Hello. My name is Teresa Gorman. I am 26 years old, I teach English in a middle school. I am the oldest of three children. I am Catholic. Over the years, I have written a couple of different blogs and obviously they have all trailed off for one reason or another. Yet, here I am starting a new one. Why? That is an excellent question. I guess I feel called to chronicle my journey. Not only my journey through this first year of teaching, but through life, it's ups and downs, the sunshiney bits, the cloudy moments. Most importantly, I feel as though I need to document my journey to know Christ better. I am a cradle Catholic. I went to Catholic school for middle and high school. I am a third order lay associate with the School Sisters of St. Francis (they rock). I even considered a vocation to religious life (only to learn to embrace my call to marriage and motherhood) for a few years. I pray daily (hourly some days). I know my Lord and Savior. I love Him dearly even though I fail Him daily. I am constantly seeking ways to better my focus on Jesus and draw myself closer to Him.
I am a Beloved daughter of the King of Kings and I am not ashamed to admit it. I try each and every day to honor and trust my Lord, I want to do all things for His glory, though I strive to do this, I feel as if I bobble and wobble a lot more than I walk tall and confident. I am learning that even though I may not always do or say the perfect thing, I try and I work hard to do so. I may not walk by faith constantly without fail, but I do stand in faith every day. That is important to Jesus. He sees my struggles and my shortcomings and he gives me the strength and tools to work on them. He magnifies my strengths and my efforts. He knows I bobble and wobble and He reaches out a hand to steady me. I am LEARNING to walk by faith and I am blessed enough to have the King of Kings as my companion, friend, guide and teacher. I have to remember every day that this is a journey, none of us come into the world knowing how to walk. We all learn to crawl then stand, walk then run. Faith is an ever growing, ever changing process and the Lord asks us each to walk the journey of Faith with Him. It is not a race, I must remember this.
I hope that my posts will inspire you to live for the Lord. I will share pictures, stories and anecdotes about my first year of teaching (I am sure it is going to be an adventure!), my faith, my family and my friends. I am excited about everything the Lord is doing in my life and I look forward to sharing the journey with you.
2 Corinthians 5:7
For we walk by faith, not by sight.
With the Joy of Jesus' Love,
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