Faith is a journey...This is mine

Faith is a journey...This is mine

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Long time...No posts: Anxiety, Blessings, Busy Days!

Well, it has been a few a weeks since my last update, sorry about that. The time has flown by. I have had so many things to do and so much to catch up on. While the past few weeks have been jam-packed with things, they have also been filled with tons of blessings. My best friend Ashley and her husband celebrated both the baptism and 1st Birthday of their precious baby boy! Both were joyous, lovely celebrations and I was honored to be a part of them. My sister (okay, cousin) Aly, got engaged a week ago today and is planning her wedding! I am so excited for her and I cannot wait to help her put it together! Work has been busier than I can even explain. I love my job so much, but I would be lying if I said that I am not constantly overwhelmed. There have been several days over the last week that I have gone to my supports almost in tears or in tears over the things I am trying that aren't working or the things I feel like I just cannot accomplish. A colleague told me that each morning she tells herself, "I choose peace today" I have tried it this past week and I can say that it does make a difference for me. I still get overwhelmed, stressed, and frustrated, but by consciously choosing peace each day, I remain a much calmer person.  My anxiety still gets really bad, in countless situations, but I have several ways to keep it in check (most of the time). I have come to accept over the last couple of months that to an extent, having anxiety problems is now just part of who I am. It is not a bad thing, I know several people very close to me with similar anxiety issues. I am learning that anxiety is all about how you deal with it. Anxiety doesn't stop you from living, you just learn to work with it, not against it. I am not perfect at it yet, but I am working on it every day. Counting my blessings is a huge help when I am in the thick of anxiety (have to thank my best friend, Ashley, for that tip) it really helps me to see the world outside of whatever is causing my anxiety in that moment. It also helps me to tell people, "My anxiety is really bad right now." Sometimes, just telling someone helps so much. I get embarrassed that I have anxiety, but I know it is not my fault. I went through something horrible, something that no one should ever have to experience and anxiety is just something that will stay with me. I got out of the relationship, I am happy, safe and I have rediscovered my joy. Anxiety is the toughest part of my new normal but, it is a very small cross to bear in comparison with the relationship and abuse I endured for far too long. 
I am working A LOT, in all honesty, probably too much; but I am getting out and having fun with my friends (both coworkers and non coworkers) and life is so joyful! I am trying to remember to stop and look around once in awhile so that I don't miss all of the beautiful and amazing things taking place in my life. It is incredible to think that my world has completely changed for the better in just six, short months. I am so grateful to so many people for helping me throughout the last several months. You all know who you are and believe me when I say, I am here standing blessed, joyful, safe and happy because of your support, advice, hugs, coffee, chocolate, notes of encouragement, and most importantly prayers and love. Thank you for sticking with me! This Fall brings tons of work, Friday night football (my Daddy is a varsity football coach!), lots of coffee, more yoga (that is my goal, anyway) and most exciting in all this: helping my sister (okay, she is really my cousin) Aly, plan her wedding! It is only going to get busier and I am sure there will be lots of challenges but, I choose peace every day and I am ready! Blessings to you all!!

84,000 Prayers Your Way,

P.S. My scripture focus this week has been Psalm 46:10 "Cease striving and know that I am God." To me, this is an instant reminder to let go of those many things I do not and cannot control. God will take care of those things I cannot. Choose peace, today and every day. He is God. 

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