I spent Saturday wedding dress shopping for my cousin Aly. She tried on so many beautiful dresses and the one she picked is indescribably perfect for her. Our grandmother (a master seamstress and dressmaker) came along as did her other grandmother, her fabulous mom, our friend from high school, an aunt of Aly's, a friend from college, and Aly's sister in law. We skyped in Emily so that she could be involved even though she is all the way in warm and sunny Arizona. It was so much fun! After she said yes to the dress, we went out for lunch and then went home to enjoy an afternoon of reality T.V. and girl talk. The wedding is in September and I think it is safe to say everyone is looking forward to it. That night, Aly's brother Tom, drove Aly, Katie (our friend from high school), Tynan (Aly's friend from college) and me to a local bar where we had even more girl/wedding talk! It was such a busy, eventful, exhausting day and countless memories were made and laughs shared.
Sunday, well Sunday I spent grading. My students did okay for the end of the first trimester. I wish I had gotten more final papers, but oh well. I did my end of the work and sometimes that is the only thing I can do. It has been cold and snowy here and so I spent all of Sunday cuddled up with Lifetime movies playing as I graded. It was a nice day.
I have started the second week of Love God Greatly's Gratitude Bible study and I cannot express how poignant it is to my walk with Christ. The focus on thankfulness and gratitude to Christ amidst the struggles and trials of everyday life is something that has really made me reflect on and consider my perspective in the moments that irritate, frustrate and complicate my life. I have been made to stand back and really look at how these moments affect my life in the big picture and to really pay attention to what/where I am placing my values and priorities. It is difficult to praise God and thank Him in these moments sometimes but I am learning that I am closer to Christ if I thank Him in all moments, whatever kind they may be.
A verse that has captured my heart the last few days comes from Philippians 4:7, "And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." I think that so often we forget (I know I do) that if we just let Him, Christ will give our hearts and minds His peace and that His peace will ease our anxieties, stresses and worries. This is something that we must remember and consciously, consistently (if you are like me daily) allow Christ to do. If we do, we can be more balanced, compassionate, grateful, and loving to not Christ, but to those around us. Today, my friends, I pray Christ gives you peace for all your moments. I also pray that in return you give Him gratitude.
To close, the picture below is from Saturday night, a good time was had by all!
Me Aly Tyan Katie
In Christ,
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